The health and wellness concerns of a young adult are likely not the same as those of a suburban mom or an octogenarian. That’s because no matter how well we take care of ourselves, aging impacts us in ways that are not always desirable or reflective of how we feel. Fortunately, there are anti-aging medical treatments that help us slow the aging clock and a few of them available here at Internal Medicine Specialists (IMS).
Most individuals realize that the more birthdays you have, the older you are. That’s great in theory but doesn’t explain why some people seem to age quicker or not at all. (And we’re not talking celebs who have standing appointments with plastic surgeons.) Since aging is a metabolic function that impacts all parts of the body from the brain and heart to skin and bones, it must be managed by a clinician who understands it from all angles. Having an internal medicine specialist as your PCP means they have additional training in body systems involving the heart, hormones and organs, which makes it easier to manage a broader spectrum of health issues.
Other factors that play a role in aging include family history, ethnicity and lifestyle. Lifestyle is the biggest factor in how we look since chronic stress, lack of exercise or a diet full of cigarettes and vodka won’t do anything to help us feel or look good.
So where does one start the anti-aging process? According to IMS Specialist Dr. David Rosenstein, start by asking your healthcare provider. “As your provider, we know your medical history and can make recommendations from your nutrition plan and exercise to running tests that may help us diagnose medical issues.”
Dr. Rosenstein notes that all patients of every age should have annual bloodwork or labs done to establish baseline levels of things such as kidney function, cholesterol and hormone function.
“The patient’s current health status is often reflected in labs so that we know what’s working and what needs improvement,” says Dr. Rosenstein. “If a patient is seeking an anti-aging protocol, we can concentrate in that area and run more detailed metabolic tests including testosterone, estrogen, HGH and the like.”
In addition to more extensive diagnostic testing such as onsite phlebotomy, EKGs and bone density scans, IMS offers convenient cosmetic services such as Botox, Juvederm, weight loss and medically supervised laser treatments. Dr. Rosenstein explains, “Our in-house cosmetic laser can help patients feel better by treating bothersome wrinkles and varicose veins, while fillers can replace volume in the face that aging has reduced. We really do try to provide a one-stop shop for patient convenience.” One of the laser treatments is the Titan, which helps to tighten the skin.
Aging may be a frustration for many given the face peering back in the mirror now has whiter hair, age spots or sagging skin. This affects how we feel even if we feel great. Aging can also make simple tasks more difficult. Tasks such as running, bending down, opening jars or reading. But Dr. Rosenstein suggests patients look at aging like they treat their grandchildren or loved ones: lovingly and patiently. “First I’d say, you’re lucky to reach the age you are because not everyone gets to,” says Dr. Rosenstein, “And no matter what state your body may be in, there is always room for improvement. We are your partner in health and can help you whether it’s getting you to PT [physical therapy] or surgery to fix what limits you, or reducing your blood pressure by getting you a gym membership or having a thorough sleep study so you wake up refreshed. Small changes can mean big improvement to how you look AND feel!.”
A mantra many IMS patients hear is “It’s all solvable.” And when it comes to anti-aging approaches to feeling as good as you look, IMS is a great place to solve whatever it is that bothers you!